The Best Deal for Taxpayers

“The prevailing wage, also known as common construction wage, supports skilled workers that build quality, safe schools for our children.  These schools are often built on time and within budget, making them not only a benefit for Hoosier children but a good investment for taxpayers.”

-Daniel Tanoos, Superintendent, Vigo County School Corporation

Source: BuildingStrongCommunities

High skilled workers finish projects on time and build quality roads and buildings meant to last – leaving tax payers with no cost overruns and lower maintenance costs over time. Projects built with common construction wage protect the taxpayers’ investment for several reasons. Productivity is the driving force behind the cost of construction. The high level of training and efficiency among common construction wage workers save taxpayers costly delays and errors. Skilled construction workers on prevailing wage projects are on average 15% more productive than less skilled workers on non-common construction wage projects. Workers are more productive while building a higher quality product that saves taxpayers in maintenance costs. Without prevailing wage policies, taxes would increase for residents.

Common construction wage jobs directly support privately funded training programs that prepare folks for successful middle class careers. In Indiana alone, the total support is about $42 million a year of private funds.  Without prevailing wage, this support would disappear and taxpayers would be on the hook to pay to train the labor force. In addition, typical workers not paid the common construction wage are eligible for thousands of dollars in public assistance, which costs taxpayers for additional reliance on cash assistance, food stamps, and healthcare – taxpayers don’t save, they subsidize.



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