
Craft Spotlight – Justin Rogers

Justin Rogers joined Carpenters Local 285 in 2015. He loved framing, interior systems, and every facet of being a union carpenter. It wasn’t until a friend of his introduced him to door inspection and installation that he considered a change for himself. The friend owned his own automatic door company and had a constant stream of work coming in that sounded appealing to Justin, so he decided he’d give the world of doors a chance. Read more

Ohio’s Newest Journey-Level Carpenters: Class of 2025

COLUMBUS, OH — On February 15th, 2025, the Central Midwest Carpenters Union celebrated 354 apprentices in Ohio who put in the hours, learned their trade, and earned their spot as journey-level members. They marked the occasion with friends, family, and the union brothers and sisters who had their backs along the way.

A highlight from the evening included the presentation of camo-colored hardhats to the graduating veteran, active, and reserve status apprentices in the United States Armed Forces. This segment highlights the Helmets to Hardhats program that offers those service members direct-entry into the construction trades. Attendees also heard from speakers including Ohio Carpenters’ Joint Apprenticeship and Training Program’s Director of Education Dan Sustin, graduate speaker Seth Hiser, and Central Midwest Carpenters Executive Secretary-Treasurer Matt McGriff. Read more

Craft Spotlight – Brandon Huffman

Brandon Huffman was introduced to the world of the Central Midwest Carpenters nearly 18 years ago when a friend referred him to the shop outside Columbus, Ohio, where he worked that produces Tectum soundproof panels for auditoriums, recording studios, and more. Ohio is not a ‘Right to Work’ state, so workers on a job vote to be unionized, and the only people who can perform work onsite are union members. Read more

Craft Spotlight – Frank Zagar

Frank Zagar comes from a long line of Union pile drivers. He’s a third-generation union member and is honored to uphold the strong tradition in his family. He’s been in the union for over 20 years and is now dedicated to growing his craft by teaching the next generation of union members at our training center in Richfield, OH.

Simply put, piledriving is the foundation upon which the other crafts build. This relationship between crafts is something that makes the Central Midwest Carpenters so powerful Frank discussed this relationship by saying, “Everyone is working together – one craft starts, and another comes in and continues where they left off.” He alluded to the fact that this symbiotic relationship strengthens the bond he feels with his union brothers and sisters, regardless of their craft.

Piledriving is an extensive craft that runs deeper than most people realize. When people think of piling, they generally think of building the base of a building. Driving into the ground to build a strong foundation is, in fact, the crux of what piledriving is – but the areas, conditions, and objectives of each jobsite vary drastically. For instance, piledrivers build foundations for skyscrapers, set piles for piers and docks, and even perform ecological jobs like shore retention.

Frank’s favorite forms of piledriving are those in and along waterways, such as the Cuyahoga River and Cleveland Harbor, to name a few he’s worked on. The added layer of difficulty (and risk association) is something that Zagar has sought out throughout his career. According to Frank, successful jobsites are about mitigating risk, looking out for your fellow brothers and sisters, and teaching the next generation how to perform at the highest level.

This is precisely the reason Frank is an instructor at the Richfield Training Center in Ohio. He wants to expand the Central Midwest Carpenters’ reach when it comes to piledriving. “This is such a cool line of work. We just want more people aware of everything we do,” Zagar said when asked why he took on the role in the training center. He genuinely enjoys teaching people his trade.

“These kids coming up are self-motivated and hungry […] They want to get out there and make money doing this, so all I have to do is steer them in the right direction,” he said about the prospective pile drivers in the program currently. This attitude is precisely why he believes now is the opportunity to grow piledriving as a craft. The interest is at a high level, so all he has to do is generate awareness for what piledrivers do daily.

As is a common theme with all our fellow union members, the brotherhood is Frank’s favorite part about being in the Central Midwest Carpenters. He tries to instill this value in every apprentice he teaches: “Love your brother. They’ll be there when you need them the most,” Zagar said when asked what the most important advice he gives apprentices. From being on dangerous jobsites with heavy machinery suspended overhead to pep talks before you even get to the job in the morning, your union brothers and sisters are there for you.


The Carpenter | CMRCC 2024 Magazine

Don’t miss the 2024 edition of the CMRCC annual magazine! Inside, you’ll find an inspiring letter from EST Matt McGriff sharing exciting achievements for our council, updates from hubs across the region, vital information on pensions and healthcare, training advancements, and powerful stories showcasing the members in unique crafts that make up our union. This […]

Celebrating Ohio’s 2024 Apprenticeship Graduates

COLUMBUS, OH — In the heartland of America, where hard work and craftsmanship are deeply rooted in tradition, the Central Midwest Carpenters Union recently celebrated the graduation of a cohort of skilled apprentices in Ohio. On February 17th, 2024, 355 members celebrated their achievement with friends, coworkers, and family.

The event included a presentation of camo-colored hardhats to the graduating apprentices that entered through the Helmets to Hardhats veteran and active service program. The attendees heard from speakers including Ohio Carpenters’ Joint Apprenticeship and Training Program’s Director of Education Dan Sustin, State Senator Michael Rulli, graduate speaker Austin Clipping, and Central Midwest Carpenters Executive Secretary-Treasurer Matt McGriff.

The graduation ceremony was not just a culmination but a new beginning. The apprenticeship program prepares members not only for their job but for a lifelong career as mentors. Journeymen and women are mentors to the next generation of apprentices, a big responsibility for the future of our organization. Read more

2023 Ohio Graduation

In February, we celebrated 863 graduates from 2020, 2021, and 2022: with over 400 walking across the stage for the Ohio Carpenters Joint Apprenticeship and Training Program’s graduation ceremony.
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2023 IKORCC Magazine

You won’t want to miss all the great content inside our annual IKORCC magazine. Inside you’ll find a letter from EST Mike Kwiatkowski with an exciting announcement, updates from hubs across the council, important information on your pension and healthcare, updates on the solar market, training updates, and stories on the incredible IKORCC members.

IKORCC Magazine

2022 was a BIG year for the Indiana Kentucky Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters. Take a look at our annual magazine for a letter from EST Mike Kwiatkowski, hub updates, healthcare and pension updates, ITC programs, Sisters in the Brotherhood, training updates, recruitment efforts, and stories of the incredible impact IKORCC members have in the […]

2023 Scholarship Applications Now Open

Applications are now open for the IKORCC scholarship program. Forty $1,000 scholarships will be awarded in 2023 to eligible member’s dependent children. Twenty of the scholarships are awarded based on scholastics, and twenty others via a random drawing.

The Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council scholastic scholarships are awarded based on 60% high school grade point average and 40% on

 SAT or ACT scores. Twenty scholarships will be selected by random drawing.

The scholarship is to be used solely for the purpose of education in the form of tuition, room and board, and or books.

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