
2024 Don Sherry Achievement Award Announced

At the heart of the Central Midwest Carpenters lies every single one of our members. The sense of community that binds us has been cultivated through training, working, and fighting for workers’ rights together. The spirit of this community is perpetuated by individuals who promote inclusivity and leave their mark on the organization and the people around them. Each year, we honor a union member who shares these values, and few people have exemplified this more than Don Sherry.

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Rossford Campus Wins Veteran’s Award

Rossford Carpenters win awardThe Rossford IKORCC campus works hard to honor military veterans. This year that hard work helped them win a national award from the Veterans Health Administration for their Community Partnership Challenge. The Rossford campus partnered with the Toledo V.A. Clinic for the Helmets to Hardhats program. Helmets to Hardhats helps military veterans get back to work quickly after service.

“These veterans tend to be natural leaders and end up as foremen and superintendents. As they go through their careers, they bring more veterans in. We’d like to have a nice flow of veterans coming into our program every year,” said Mike Gibson, a senior representative at the Rossford campus.

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