
Rossford Campus Wins Veteran’s Award

Rossford Carpenters win awardThe Rossford IKORCC campus works hard to honor military veterans. This year that hard work helped them win a national award from the Veterans Health Administration for their Community Partnership Challenge. The Rossford campus partnered with the Toledo V.A. Clinic for the Helmets to Hardhats program. Helmets to Hardhats helps military veterans get back to work quickly after service.

“These veterans tend to be natural leaders and end up as foremen and superintendents. As they go through their careers, they bring more veterans in. We’d like to have a nice flow of veterans coming into our program every year,” said Mike Gibson, a senior representative at the Rossford campus.

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Rossford Carpenters Help Boy Scouts with Soapbox Derby Cars

Get your engines ready! The Erie Shores Boy Scouts raced into the Rossford Training Center for some much-needed help constructing their soapbox derby cars. Over 250 scouts made first cuts to their derby cars thanks to some expert help by carpenters from Local 351 in Ohio. The boys and their families learned basic carpentry skills and had a lot of fun in the process. The scouts plan to race their cars during the Northwest Pinewood Derby on March 24th in Toledo.

Rossford Open House Competition Winners

Congratuations to our 2017 Rossford, Ohio winners!

View more photos from the event!

Local 351 Builds Wheelchair Ramp for Local Family

Earlier this month, Local 351 Member Action Committee (MAC) of the Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters (IKORCC) volunteered time and skills to build a wheelchair ramp for a local family in need.

Lois Aay, a retired secretary of Local 50, Plumbers and Pipefiitters, needed a ramp for her husband Willy who lost his leg as a result of diabetes. Without a ramp attached to their home, Lois was left hauling snowmobile ramps to their front door any time Willy had to go somewhere. It was extremely tough for Lois to move the ramps to and from their front door, and the Local 351 MAC was eager to help the family.

Local 351 MAC worked closely with the Aays to design and draw blueprints of the ramp, and eight total members volunteered an entire day to build a wheelchair ramp for easy access in and out of the house. In addition, the carpenters built a deck area for Willy to be able to go outside and enjoy the sun and fresh air.

“When we found out that Willy and Lois needed a ramp at their house, we didn’t hesitate to offer a helping hand,” said Dan Morey of the IKORCC. “On the day of the project, the weather wasn’t on our side, but our MAC members pushed through the steady rain to complete the ramp. We knew Willy had an upcoming doctors appointment, and we didn’t want Lois to have to use heavy snowmobile ramps again. We are really happy to have made a difference in their lives.”

“Willy and I would like to give a standing ovation to Local 351 for coming to our home and building a wonderful and useful ramp and deck,” commented Lois Aays. “Being only 4’11”, it has helped me so much with getting Willy to doctor appointments by myself. The volunteers were amazing, and they were a true union – wonderful volunteers and dedicated men who will never be forgotten by our family.”

Local 351 MAC members who worked on the project include Luciana Briones, Rodney Dean, Lee Daher, Dan Morey, Jim Powers, Mike Sager, Anthony Santellana and Dave Schertz.

For more information, please contact Dan Morey at dmorey@ikorcc.com.

Local 351 Participates in Labor Day Festivities

TOLEDO, Ohio – To celebrate Labor Day, Carpenters Local 351 of the Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters (IKORCC) participated in Toledo’s annual Labor Day parade and Laborfest.

Held in downtown Toledo, the two-hour parade kicked off at 9am. Before the parade, Local 351 members met at KeyBank to volunteer their services to build the parade reviewing stand scaffolding used by politicians and dignitaries to view the parade as the Grand Marshall announces the participating unions. This year’s parade theme was “Built to Last/Made in America,” and all local unions in the parade wore matching shirts to show unity and solidarity.

Following the parade, Local 351 joined with other local unions at the Laborfest picnic held at the Lucas County Fairgrounds. Attendees enjoyed games, food and a classic car show, and Local 351 placed second in the tug-of-war contest. Proceeds from the Laborfest were directed toward Special Olympics, and $10,000 was donated to the organization.

“We love participating in the parade each year, and we always look forward to spending time with our families and other local unions at Laborfest,” commented Dan Morey of the IKORCC. “The Laborfest committee designates donations to a different nonprofit each year, and this year, the committee chose Special Olympics. This was especially meaningful to one of our members whose child participates in Special Olympics, and we are happy to support such an amazing charity!”

For more information, please contact Dan Morey at dmorey@ikorcc.com.