The right people doing the right thing are directly correlated with the amount of training they receive. For the hardworking men and women of the carpentry brotherhood, training never ends.
Training is required on a yearly basis due to the constantly changing environment that carpentry represents. Every year new rules, equipment and technology enter the field requiring everyone to be up to date on the latest trends.
“It’s not just us who go to training but everyone,” says IKORCC Senior Manager Thomas Dorsey. “There is always something new to learn or something that is updated that we all have to be aware and knowledgeable of.”
Every year carpenters from across the country make a visit to Las Vegas to visit the Carpenter’s International Center. This million square foot, over 300 room facility is considered the hub of all things IKORCC and provides state-of-the-art training facilities and classrooms to ensure that both new and current generations of carpenters are properly prepared to face all challenges in the field.
“The IKORCC pays to have us fly down to the center for training,” says IKORCC Dorsey. “Just as they pay to create yearly up-to-date textbooks for students, they are always ensuring that those wanting to follow the carpentry path are knowledgeable, have plenty of learning materials in front of them and above all, are always prepared to enter the workforce to the best of their ability.”
Along with carpentry and construction skills, the ITC is also equipped to teach classes for specialty areas. While courses for interior systems and commercial work are offered, plenty of certified courses such as gas- and steam turbine installation are also offered.
“There are plenty of speciality courses offered for those learning and refining their craft but there’s even more offered on top of that,” says Dorsey. “There are courses designed to teach project management, productivity and communication, all of which essential skills for carpenters and leaders to remain successful in their field.
The ITC is not only an investment for the IKORCC but for every carpenter who works within the field of carpentry. In this ever changing field it’s more important to stay up to date and knowledgeable in order to provide only the best when it comes to building the places we live, work and enjoy.