
Building Market Share & Community in Newburgh

In the Newburgh area, 2021 was all about growing market share and building community – something members in this area excel at. Members worked on big projects, including the Evansville Aquatic Center, St. Vincent Hospital, Deaconess Hospital, a pool at University of Southern Indiana and on a bridge over Green River.

Next year’s work forecast looks solid. Members are working on an ongoing simple cycle project at Tennessee Valley Authority, where AZCO is installing three simple cycle gas turbines. This project kicked off in October. At its peak it will have around 60 carpenters and 15 Millwrights on the project.

Members are looking forward to the Toyota/Lexus line expansion, which is set to begin in early 2022. This $840 million-dollar project will create plenty of man hours. In March, Pratt Industries Paper Mill is coming to Henderson, KY. This $340 million-dollar project will also increase man hours.

In addition to growing market share, members in Paducah are also building the community. Local 357 members are finishing work on a McCracken County Habitat for Humanity home. This is the fourth home they’ve helped build for the organization that helps families and individuals in need of decent, affordable housing achieve their dream of homeownership. Carpenters did the framing, set trusses, roof decking and will set the windows and complete the vinyl siding.

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, carpenters mobilized and held a canned food drive. The food drive was so successful, they’ve decided to do it again in 2021 and are currently taking canned food and Christmas toy donations for families in need.

Community Based Organizing

Our country is experiencing an unprecedented labor movement not seen since the 1940’s & 50’s. Every labor union in the country should be capitalizing on this momentum, but at some point, every union member has to ask themselves…what can I do to help?

Members like you, have and always will be the UBC’s most valuable asset. To reach the UBC goal of 70% market share & the regional council’s goals, we need you engaged.

Throughout our history carpenter to carpenter & community-based organizing have been the most effective tools we have as a union. Many of you are familiar with the IKORCC M.A.C program. The regional council has set up Membership Action Committees and holds meetings in multiple areas in IN, KY & Ohio.

Unlike regular monthly business meetings, this is where you have the opportunity to get involved in our organizing efforts. Activities range from community events, helping our neighbors with small construction projects, but most importantly showing up in force to collectively voice our concerns on carpenter issues.

We are the community, and we will hold elected officials, owners and developers accountable when they let unscrupulous contractors come into our community and steal the work that puts food on our tables. We are putting a schedule of events together for the 2022 M.A.C. agenda & we need you there.

Please contact your local or regional council office for more information & how you can make a difference.


Ken Lyons

Director of Organizing

Growing Membership & Market Share in Warsaw

The United Brotherhood of Carpenters was founded with the mission to stand strong with our members and business partners to help them achieve success. When it comes to focusing on this core goal, the Warsaw hub is thriving.


Not only has the Warsaw hub increased membership, they’ve also worked with contractors and increased manhours. They expect to see an additional seven percent increase in manhours in 2022.


To grow the Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA) market share in the area, the Warsaw team hosted ICRA Awareness trainings and signed a new ICRA partnership with Concord Community Schools. This adds an ICRA agreement to eight schools, ensuring that contractors who perform the work in schools are properly trained to control contaminants and students are protected during school construction.


To grow and protect market share in the area, the team has focused on increasing Responsible Bidder Ordinances and getting contractor licensing in place. They successfully signed an RBO in Gas City, Indiana and with Concord Community Schools, bringing the total RBOs in the area to nine, which includes four municipalities and five school corporations.


In another win for union members and contractors, the South Bend/Saint Joseph County Building Department has recently hired a compliance officer to visit job sites, inspect and gather information regarding licenses and permits, issue violation notices and follow up to ensure future compliance. The officer will also track and report results to the Building Commissioner, legal department and others to help with compliance issues. This new role will help protect workers and level the playing field for signatory contractors.


Finally, the Warsaw team has worked hard to develop the next generation of IKORCC members through strategic partnerships throughout the area. The team has worked with high school and 8th graders to promote our trades through Junior Achievement’s programs. In addition, they’ve continued to work with the Fort Wayne Boys and Girls Club on Project Blueprint. Project Blueprint exposes kids to careers in skilled trades. The idea is to show kids career options after high school other than the traditional four-year college pathway.


Merrillville – Readying for an Influx of Work

The Northwest Indiana-area is readying for an influx of commercial, roadwork and light industrial projects. Current and future projects exist of: New Franciscan Hospital in Crown Point, new schools and renovations for Hanover Community Schools, Crown Point Community Schools and Duneland Community Schools. Along with this work the area has ongoing maintenance work at industrial facilities.  These projects are projected to create several thousands of man-hours for members.


To help grow market share, business representatives have been pursuing multiple solar projects in the area. There are currently nine large scale solar farms slated for development in NW Indiana.  Each project may vary from a one year to two years in duration and have the potential to generate extensive man-hours and long-term employment opportunities for members. The team is currently in negotiations with owners and developers on these projects and feels optimistic about future opportunities.  The solar trend is projected to continue to expand, so members are encouraged to contact the Merrillville training center to inquire about solar training programs.


Along with solar training tools made available at the Merrillville Training Center, there are other new opportunities to expand memberships opportunities.  The training center recently invested in a mockup to include the scopes of the entire building envelope.  This includes training opportunities in commercial flat rolled membrane roofing applications, the installation processes of several types of rain screens and various exterior cladding systems, including the science behind the systems and how to apply the weather and waterproofing membranes.


The NWI area has historically been a heavy industrial market with the majority of millwright man hours generated from the local steel mills and power generating stations.  With a recent increase of construction projects in the light industrial market, the team has worked with contractors to find manpower.  Recently, they’ve been successful in organizing a group of non-union light industrial workers to pursue this field.


Along with organizing this group comes the opportunity to work maintenance in eight new light industrial facilities, potentially generating several thousands of man hours for our membership.  Considering the growth in the light industrial market in NW Indiana, we encourage our signatory contractors and membership to take advantage of the industrial maintenance training programs that are offered at our training centers.

Political Update


2021 has been another successful year for Indiana politics. The IKORCC managed to harvest a great relationship with the Indiana Association of Public-School Superintendents (IAPSS) and received an invitation to go on tour with them for all eight of their district meetings. During the tour, we were introduced to public school superintendents in all 92 counties. In addition, we were given the opportunity to talk about our Door Safety Inspection (DSI) Program and Career Connections.

One of our many focuses was on getting more “Responsible Bidder Language” added into front end bid specs with school corporations. During the 2021 year, we were able to obtain an additional two agreements with the Metropolitan School District of Boone Township and Concord Community Schools.

Other events worth mentioning that took place during the 2021 year are several successful meetings with political figures regarding laws being introduced to support ICRA training requirements being put in place if any work is being done in occupied health care facilities or schools that may have students present. Also, the City of Indianapolis has promised to make tax fraud and worker misclassification its number one priority for 2022. This commitment came directly from Mayor Joe Hogsett during a public speech that he gave to the city.

During the Delegates conference, Senator Fady Quadra (left) spoke to the membership and explained his level of respect for the Carpenters Union and other organized labor affiliates. He affirmed that he would carry the Carpenters ICRA legislation in 2022.

Due to line redistricting, a Senate seat for District 46 has come up for grabs. We have successfully sourced a candidate that is a card-carrying member of AFSCME whom we helped get elected to the Indianapolis City County Council, to go after this open seat. The candidate has confirmed they will make it known that this seat will be a union held seat if elected. This seat will be won during the primaries due to it being a largely held partisan district.



2021 was a busy political year in Kentucky.  Even with the COVID-19 restrictions we’ve been able to build great relationships with local lawmakers and state legislators.  Our goals in Kentucky are to address tax fraud and ensure we are in the best position to secure our work with the influx of new solar projects coming to the area.

With solar, it is our hope to introduce language similar to legislation that exists in other states that would protect our work and put our contractor base in the best position possible to secure solar work.  Our solar committee, headed up Jeremy Welch and Wallace Turner, has done a tremendous job working with developers and owners to provide information to the political team. That info is vital in working with our lawmakers to sell our training and the importance of the upcoming work.

Tax fraud is a major problem in Kentucky.  1099 worker misclassification and the cash under the table business model used by non-signatory contractors has put our contractor base at huge disadvantage.  Working with our Director of Organizing Kenneth Lyons and our political team, we’ve been taking local and state legislators to job site visits to show them the impact and loss of tax revenue that is currently going on.

Now that the November local elections are over, we will actively continue to educate local elected officials about our issues.  We use our training facilities to conduct tours and plan to ramp up job site visits.  Do not discount the importance you have in actively participating to successfully reach our goals.

If you are not registered to vote please do so.  You can register online at  Moving into 2022 there will be very important races all across Kentucky.



2021 was a challenge, politically.  Our approach in building relationships with lawmakers became more difficult as a result of the COVID-19 mandates throughout Ohio. Thankfully, we found creative ways to continue building relationships with our local and state lawmakers.  We use our four self-funded Ohio training centers as our main selling point with politicians.  We continue to take elected officials out for jobsite visits to showcase what we do and also highlight the bad jobsites where tax fraud is rampant due to the lack of legislation in Ohio.

As a result, we continue to build support from both sides of the aisle – Democrat and Republican.  We have been successful in protecting our core issues such as Prevailing Wage, Right to Work, and Unemployment Compensation.  We are now using our relationships to introduce language to address tax fraud.  Our tax fraud bill will create a Tax Fraud Commission to study the impact that paying cash under the table and worker misclassification abuse is having, not only to us but every taxpayer within Ohio.  We are aggressively lobbying on current issues to protect our work within all four refineries in the state.

Our motto has always been to Educate, Agitate, and Organize.  These very same principles are used when working with any elected lawmaker.  Our Ohio political team covers all corners of the state and we will keep every UBC member informed of legislation that may affect us.

With the 2022 election cycle upcoming we will be very busy working for current lawmakers we support and going through a vetting process for any open seats to ensure that the right lawmakers are elected.  If you are not already registered to vote, please do so.

You can register online at  Remember that when a recommendation is made to support a candidate they are soundly in support of protecting your work, your career, and your ability to provide for your family.

Building a Solid Foundation – Indianapolis-Area Update

In 2022, a new criminal justice center will open its doors in Indianapolis thanks to the hard work of Central Indiana IKORCC members. Its focus will be on diverting people from jail and furnishing them with mental health services. It’s the largest construction project in Indiana in recent years.

The new campus is replacing the existing jail and courthouse in downtown Indianapolis that was built almost 60 years ago. The new campus consists of four main structures totaling more than 1.3 million square feet. On the 140-acre site there is a four-story 3,000 bed detention center, an eleven-story courthouse, an Assessment Intervention Center and a professional office building. In addition to the structures, two 1,000 space-parking garages will be constructed on the campus.


IKORCC members completed the foundation, concrete, bridge work, interior systems, case and millwork, scaffolding, welding and floor covering for the project. At its peak, almost 200 members worked on the project creating very significant manhours from Locals 301, 1076, 364, 1016 and 133. Nearly 20 signatory contractors secured work on the justice center.

In addition to building major projects, the Greenwood team has also heavily focused on building stronger relationships with school corporations. We now have responsible bidder ordinances with six central Indiana school corporations. In the coming years, these schools plan to do over $525 million in construction projects. In addition, these partnerships give us access to students and create a strong pipeline for our apprenticeship.



“It’s a no brainer. When you’re trying to put together quality construction projects, you want the very best. So, it was very easy to convince us that having this as a part of our bidder process was in our best interest,” said Dr. Shawn Smith, Superintendent MSD Lawrence Township.

Health & Welfare Update

The Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters has two Health & Welfare Funds, one for Indiana/Kentucky and another for Ohio. Both Funds are healthy with growing net reserves.

As of June 30th, 2021, the Ohio Plan’s net reserves are at seven months of reserves, up from five months last year. Net reserves are monies in the fund, which have no obligation against it and are used to pay our healthcare costs and fund expenses. The Indiana/Kentucky fund as of June 30, 2021 has 9.9 months of net reserves, up from 9.1 last year (a month of net reserves is equal to the average cost of healthcare expenses for one month). Both funds are operating well and expect continued growth of net reserves.

Effective September 1, 2021 the trustees of both funds were pleased to announce, that regardless of the amount of contributions received, all apprentices will be credited for all hours s/he attends school to receive training required by a training program affiliated with the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. The apprentice shall be credited with an amount equal to the actual number of hours the apprentice attends school per week.

The Indiana/Kentucky fund’s Board of Trustees is pleased to announce that effective September 1, 2021, it has reduced its bank threshold (point at which monthly contributions received above required premium are allocated to participant’s bank) from $200 to $150. The ability to do this is a direct result of improving net reserves.

The UBC continues to work to provide the best prescription drug program available in the marketplace. Currently, the IKORCC and Ohio Health plans participate in a pharmacy benefit program negotiated on a national basis with Express Scripts, known as Level Care Pharmacy Program. This program covers over 30 participating Carpenter Funds throughout the country. In early 2021, after many months of review, analysis and negotiation, a new five-year agreement was finalized covering mail order, retail, and specialty drugs. The program is projected to save over $362 million over these 5 years for the participating Carpenters Funds, with over $40 million in projected savings for the IKORCC and Ohio plans.

IKORCC Magazine

You won’t want to miss all the great content inside our annual IKORCC magazine. Inside you’ll find a letter from EST Todd Pancake, updates from hubs across the council, important information on your pension and healthcare, infrastructure information, Sisters in the Brotherhood, training updates, recruitment efforts, and stories on the incredible impact IKORCC members have […]

2020 Magazine

405 Graduate from IN/KY Apprenticeship Program

5200 hours of on the job training, 640 classroom hours, 4 years of dedication and sacrifice – that’s the kind of experience you get when you hire a journey level carpenter from the United Brotherhood of Carpenters. Saturday night, 405 fully trained journeymen and women graduated from the Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters Joint Apprenticeship and Training Fund program during a ceremony at the JW Marriott in Indianapolis, Indiana.

“Congratulations to the newest journey level carpenters,” said UBC General President Douglas McCarron in a video address to graduates. “You’ve reached a milestone in your careers and you did it during some very difficult times. The pandemic affected your training, but you stayed strong and completed your apprenticeship.”

View photos from the event here.

EST Todd Pancake congratulates the newest journey level carpenters at the IKORCC JATF apprenticeship graduation.

405 graduates completed their apprenticeship – the most graduates ever in Indiana and Kentucky. IKORCC Executive Secretary-Treasurer M. Todd Pancake told graduates there’s never been a better time to be a union carpenter.

“You may not realize it, but you’ve met a goal. And now it’s time to look ahead and set a new goal. There are more opportunities available today than I’ve ever seen in the industry,” said EST Pancake as he congratulated graduates and shared the plethora of opportunities in the job market for skilled tradespeople.

This year’s graduates overcame many challenges due to COVID-19, including taking portions of their 4th year classes online, in addition to meeting rigorous graduation requirements. These graduates are a vital addition to a workforce desperate for skilled tradesmen. Graduates were trained as carpenters, millwrights or floor coverers.

“Everything we do is about attitude. Everything you do is 100 percent attitude, so always remember that. We are many trades, but one United Brotherhood,” Jerry Burke, Director of Education for the IKORCC JATF said.

16 Veterans Graduate through Helmets to Hardhats

Congratulations and thank you to the 16 Helmets to Hardhats graduates that completed their apprenticeship and honorably served our country.

16 of the graduates honorably served in our nation’s military and took part in the IKORCC’s Helmets to Hardhats program. Helmets to Hardhats puts vets on a fast track to union apprenticeship and a rewarding career in carpentry after their military service.

Helmets to Hardhats graduates represented the US Marines, US Army, US Army Reserves, and the US Navy.

Continuous Training Sets Union Carpenters Apart

In a speech to graduates, Royce Peters, Executive Director of the Carpenters International Training Fund, encouraged graduates to be good mentors and continue their training. “This journeymen class is now walking on paths in the construction industry that are not only unprecedented but unimaginable. Technology is changing. The key to staying competitive in today’s construction world is training.”

A New Generation of Journeymen & Journeywomen

EST Todd Pancake and 2021 IKORCC JATF graduate speaker Brittany Grier of Local 413.

New journeywoman Brittany Grier, from the Warsaw Training Center and Local 413, inspired the room as the 2021 IKORCC JAFT graduate speaker. Brittany is a fourth-generation carpenter, third-generation union carpenter and a second-generation female carpenter. She’s a superintendent for Ziolkowski Construction.

“The union runs in my blood and I believe in its ability to unite and build,” she said. “We are undervalued profession, yet we earn more hourly than the average American. Plus, 100 percent of our benefits are paid for by the contractor out of their pocket.”

She added, “In this room are all new journeyman carpenters. We have this fresh start to strengthen the reputation of the union, raise our worth, which will raise our wage – it all starts here with the United Brotherhood of Carpenters. Uniting together, treating our brothers like family and in turn changing the industry of carpentry.”

View her full speech here: