
2024 Don Sherry Achievement Award Announced

At the heart of the Central Midwest Carpenters lies every single one of our members. The sense of community that binds us has been cultivated through training, working, and fighting for workers’ rights together. The spirit of this community is perpetuated by individuals who promote inclusivity and leave their mark on the organization and the people around them. Each year, we honor a union member who shares these values, and few people have exemplified this more than Don Sherry.

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2023 Don Sherry Achievement Award Announced

In the heart of every thriving community lies the essence of solidarity, and at the core of that spirit, often stands a dedicated union member. These unsung heroes are the backbone of progress, selflessly working towards uplifting the community they call home. Through unwavering commitment, tireless efforts, and a deep sense of responsibility, they embody the very essence of service to others.

Every year, we honor an exceptional union member, whose devotion to the community has left an indelible mark on the lives of countless individuals. Their story serves as a beacon of inspiration, illuminating the power of collective action and the positive impact that a single individual can have on a larger society.

Don Sherry passionately served the Indiana Kentucky Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters for nearly 20 years as a business representative and Director of Organizing. He was the President of Carpenters Local 175 and a dedicated advocate for worker’s rights and unions. Colleagues said his dedication to this organization was second to none. To pay homage to his legacy, the IKORCC gives the Don Sherry Achievement Award annually.

The Indiana Kentucky Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters is proud to announce this year’s Don Sherry Achievement Award goes to Mitchell Carrillo.

Mitchell is an 18-year union member out of Local 1005. Mitchell has dedicated time year after year to giving back to communities across the United States with his unique skills as a carpenter. From being a volunteer fireman for over a decade to rehabbing 30 homes in Indiana with Habitat for Humanity, Mitchell represents the true essence of a Union Carpenter.

“If you know Mitch at all you know that has never done any for his work for publicity or a pat on the back. He does this humanitarian work because he loves people”, the Local 1005 nomination letter read.

Brother Carrillo took frequent trips to Louisiana in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to help rebuild those communities. When his IKORCC brothers and sisters (and countless others) needed help last December after devastating tornadoes, he got to work.

In recognizing the tireless efforts of union members like Brother Carrillo, we acknowledge the countless others like them who work selflessly behind the scenes, fueling the engine of progress in our communities. Their commitment serves as a testament to the strength of collective action, reminding us of the importance of supporting and empowering those who strive to uplift us all. We look forward to honoring our selfless members through the Don Sherry Achievement Award for years to come.

Please join us in congratulating our 2023 Don Sherry Award winner, Mitchell Carrillo!


To honor Don’s service and dedication, each year since his passing the IKORCC has given The Don Sherry Achievement Award. The award recognizes a rank-and-file member who has gone above and beyond in their service on the job site, with contractors, in MAC meetings (Member Action Committee), and in their community. In addition to giving an award in his honor, IKORCC delegates raise money each year during their annual conference and donate the proceeds to the Diabetes Foundation in Don Sherry’s honor.


Recipients of the Don Sherry Achievement Award include:

2018 – Glenn Downs, Local 599

2019 – Raymond Poer, Local 599

2020 – Cory Hudson, Local 285

2021 – Bobby Miller, Local 357

2022 – Travis Williams, Local 1005

2023 – Mitchell Carrillo, Local 1005


Travis Williams Named 2022 Don Sherry Award Winner


Few people have left the impact on the Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters as Don Sherry did. Don Sherry tragically passed away in 2017. His list of accomplishments is vast, and his impact on our union is unprecedented.

Don Sherry passionately served the Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters for nearly 20 years as a business representative and Director of Organizing. He was the President of Carpenters Local 175 and a dedicated advocate for workers rights and unions. Colleagues said his dedication to this organization was second to none.

To honor his legacy, the IKORCC gives the Don Sherry Achievement Award annually.

To honor Don’s service and dedication, each year since his passing the IKORCC has given The Don Sherry Achievement Award. The award recognizes a rank-and-file member who has gone above and beyond in their service on the job site, with contractors, in MAC meetings (Member Action Committee), and in their community. In addition to giving an award in his honor, IKORCC delegates raise money each year during their annual conference and donate the proceeds to the Diabetes Foundation in Don Sherry’s honor.

Recipients of the Don Sherry Achievement Award include:

2018 – Glenn Downs, Local 599
2019 – Raymond Poer, Local 599
2020 – Cory Hudson, Local 285
2021 – Bobby Miller, Local 357
2022 – Travis Williams, Local 1005

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Bobby Miller Wins Don Sherry Achievement Award

Few people have left the impact on the Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters as Don Sherry did. Don Sherry tragically passed away in 2017. His

Don Sherry Award winner Bobby Miller and IKORCC EST Todd Pancake.

list of accomplishments is vast, and his impact on our union is unprecedented.

Don Sherry passionately served the Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters for nearly 20 years as a business representative and Director of Organizing. He was the President of Carpenters Local 175 and a dedicated advocate for worker’s rights and unions. Colleagues said his dedication to this organization was second to none.

To honor his legacy, the IKORCC gives the Don Sherry Achievement Award annually.

To honor Don’s service and dedication, each year since his passing the IKORCC has given The Don Sherry Achievement Award. The award recognizes a rank and file member who has gone above and beyond in their service on the job site, with contractors, in MAC meetings (Member Action Committee), and in their community. In addition to giving an award in his honor, IKORCC delegates raise money each year during their annual conference and donate the proceeds to the Diabetes Foundation in Don Sherry’s honor.

Recipients of the Don Sherry Achievement Award include:

2018 – Glenn Downs, Local 599
2019 – Raymond Poer, Local 599
2020 – Cory Hudson, Local 285
2021 – Bobby Miller, Local 357

The Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters is proud to name Bobby Miller of Local 357 as the 2021 Don Sherry Achievement Award winner. Bobby is a retired 23-year member with a passion for the union and volunteering. He served 17 of those years as an officer to the local, serving as a trustee, financial Secretary and as a delegate to the regional council. He also worked as a part-time instructor in Newburgh, Indiana.

After retirement Bobby did not slow down. He’s serving as a project manager for the Paducah-McCracken County Habitat for Humanity, where he has helped build two homes. Another is scheduled for next year.

“This award is presented to Bobby Miller in recognition of his work going above and beyond the call of duty. The award honors his outstanding achievements in the workplace, exceptional contributions to the community and outstanding service to the IKORCC,” said Todd Pancake, Executive Secretary-Treasurer for the IKORCC.

“One of the greatest rewards to Bobby is mentoring numerous trade school programs on the job site and giving them the unique opportunity to perform work at an actual construction site. Bobby enjoys this, as he is able to spread the word about a career in the trades and the benefits a union job provides,” said IKORCC Business Representative Chad Helm.

To see a video of Bobby’s nomination & acceptance click here.