
Solicitudes de becas ahora abiertas

Las solicitudes ya están abiertas para el programa de becas IKORCC. Se otorgarán cuarenta becas de $ 1,000 en 2021 a los hijos dependientes de los miembros elegibles. Veinte de las becas se otorgan en base a estudios académicos y otras veinte por sorteo al azar.

Las becas escolares del Concilio Regional de Indiana / Kentucky / Ohio se otorgan con base en el 60% del promedio de calificaciones de la escuela secundaria y el 40% en puntajes SAT o ACT. Se seleccionarán veinte becas mediante sorteo al azar.

La beca se utilizará únicamente con fines educativos en forma de matrícula, alojamiento y comida o libros.

Los hijos, hijas e hijos dependientes de miembros del Consejo Regional de Carpinteros y Millwrights de Indiana / Kentucky / Ohio son elegibles para becas siempre que:

  • El padre o tutor es ahora y ha sido un miembro acreditado del Consejo Regional de Carpinteros de Indiana / Kentucky / Ohio durante al menos un año.
  • El hijo, la hija o el hijo dependiente es un estudiante de último año de secundaria.
  • El hijo, la hija o el hijo dependiente asistirá a un colegio, universidad o escuela vocacional como estudiante de tiempo completo.
  • La solicitud se recibe en la oficina del Concilio antes del viernes 19 de marzo de 2021.

Todas las aplicaciones deben incluir:

Formulario de solicitud firmado y fechado
Certificado firmado de un funcionario sindical local
Certificado firmado por el director de la escuela secundaria
Transcripciones oficiales de la escuela secundaria con promedio de calificaciones puntajes SAT o ACT
Registro de actividades extraescolares
Haga clic aquí para descargar el Programa de Becas de IKORCC

Las solicitudes de becas deben recibirse antes del viernes 19 de marzo de 2021 en la Oficina del Consejo de Greenwood, ubicada en 771 Greenwood Springs Drive, Greenwood, Indiana 46143.

Cory Hudson Wins Don Sherry Achievement Award

Cory Hudson Receives Don Sherry Achievement Award

Few people have left the impact on the Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters as Don Sherry did. Don Sherry tragically passed away in 2017. His list of accomplishments is vast, and his impact on our union is unprecedented.

Don Sherry passionately served the Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters for nearly 20 years as a business representative and Director of Organizing. He was the President of Carpenters Local 175 and a dedicated advocate for worker’s rights and unions. Colleagues said his dedication to this organization was second to none.

Don Sherry Achievement Award

To honor his legacy, the IKORCC gives the Don Sherry Achievement Award annually.

To honor Don’s service and dedication, each year since his passing the IKORCC has given The Don Sherry Achievement Award. The award recognizes a rank and file member who has gone above and beyond in their service on the job site, with contractors, in MAC meetings (Member Action Committee), and in their community. In addition to giving an award in his honor, IKORCC delegates raise money each year during their annual conference and donate the proceeds to the Diabetes Foundation in Don Sherry’s honor.

Past recipients of the Don Sherry Achievement Award include:

2018 – Glenn Downs, Local 599
2019 – Raymond Poer, Local 599

Of all the nominations received in 2020, Cory Hudson’s stood out. That’s why the Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters is proud to present Cory Hudson with the 2020 Don Sherry Achievement Award. Cory is an active member of Carpenters Local 285, military veteran, and served as the lead instructor at the Richfield Ohio Carpenters’ Joint Apprenticeship & Training Program for years, until recently accepting a new role as a superintendent for a union contractor. Cory’s leadership, training, and tireless dedication will serve him well in that role.

“We take the Don Sherry Award very seriously and have many very qualified applications submitted each year. I had the privilege to know and work directly with Don for many years and saw his commitment and dedication to our Brotherhood first hand. I’ve also been fortunate to know Cory Hudson and have seen his commitment to our Union and how he always puts the UBC at the forefront. His dedication to our craft helps keep our standards above the rest and he has a “care factor” not just for apprentices or our membership as a whole, but for all people. It was an honor and privilege to present the award to Cory Hudson this year,” said IKORCC’s EST Todd Pancake.

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Thank You Healthcare Heroes

As states continue to reopen and coronavirus cases surge in many areas, healthcare workers are still battling COVID-19.

To show our appreciation for their continued dedication, we’ve thanked over 60 hospitals across Indiana, Kentucky, & Ohio. To our current and future ICRA (Infection Control Risk Assessment) partners, thank you for working on the frontlines. The importance of infection control during hospital construction has always been an integral part of our training & we are proud to partner with so many amazing facilities that put patient safety first.

Learn more about our Infection Control Risk Assessment training or our 8-hour ICRA classes at ikorcc.com/ICRA


Congrats to our 2020 Scholarship Winners

Congratulations to our 2020 Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters Scholarship Program recipients!  40 students received a $1,000 scholarship toward tuition, room, and board, or books to a trade school or college.

Twenty recipients earned scholarships based upon their high school grade point average and SAT or ACT scores. Another twenty were selected randomly.

Recipients were sons, daughters, and dependent children of members of the Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights. Parents or guardians must be members in good standing of the IKORCC for at least one year. The son, daughter, or dependent child must be a high school graduating senior or be attending a college, university or trade school as a full-time student.

Congratulations to the following 2020 IKORCC Scholarship recipients:

Sara Abell
Mikaela Baker
Shamiya Beasley
Logan Beckwith
Brooke Cochran
Hunter Crawford
Madisyn DeKock
Nicholas Durst
Cheyenne Ellerbrock
Claire Featherston
Sydney L Gerken
Lydia Greene
Evan Grose
Claire Hamilton
Annalise Harrison
Kincaid I Harrison
Ethan M Hensley
Kylie Hudson
Micaela Iacovetti
Sarah Karkoff
Nicole Klabus
Drew Kubaszyk
Emma Lewandowski
Joshua Matheis
Brandt Miller
Chloe Moore
Alanna Murray
Silas Parsons
Alexandria Piper
Jacob A Prager
Karli Prather
Emily Pruss
Zoie Rettig
Andrew Ross
Tanner Roy
Alexia Samudio
Austin Schulte
Emma Grace Sobieski
Adam Tulloss
Hayden Wells


Ohio Carpenters community

GIVING BACK: Members Support Up Side of Downs Fundraiser

Brotherhood. Unity. Compassion. Last weekend the IKORCC joined 4 Cleveland-area locals to support The Up Side of Downs. The organization raises money for Down’s Syndrome advocacy. Locals 1090, 285, 373 & 435 have raised nearly $70,000 for the organization. We are incredibly proud of the amazing work these carpenters & millwrights have done in the community!


Carpenters help with medical bills after tragic car accident

Carpenters Help Family Recover After Head-On Collision

On a foggy Thursday morning in April, Adam Stampley boarded a flight from Indianapolis to Las Vegas. He took his seat and smiled. This was a huge moment in his career with the United Brotherhood of Carpenters, a culmination of three years of hard work and dedication.

Union officers selected Adam to attend the Journeyman Leadership Program at the Carpenters International Training Center, a recognition of his leadership potential and dedication to the brotherhood. “Everything is coming together,” he thought as he glanced at his phone hoping to hear from his wife Erica before the flight.

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Carpenters Partner with Ronald McDonald Houses

The Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters is proud to have a partnership with seven Ronald McDonald Houses across Indiana, Kentucky & Ohio. What started as building the houses has turned into much more in our efforts to build communities. Check out all the smiles and history of the IKORCC’s partnership with Ronald McDonald Houses.

carpenters scholarships

Congrats to our 2019 Scholarship Winners

carpenters scholarshipsCongratulations to our 2019 Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters Scholarship Program recipients!  40 students received a $1,000 scholarship toward tuition, room, and board, or books to a trade school or college.

Twenty recipients earned scholarships based upon their high school grade point average and SAT or ACT scores. Another twenty were selected randomly.

Recipients were sons, daughters, and dependent children of members of the Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights. Parents or guardians must be members in good standing of the IKORCC for at least one year. The son, daughter, or dependent child must be a high school graduating senior or be attending a college, university or trade school as a full-time student.

Congratulations to the following 2019 IKORCC Scholarship recipients:


Jillian Brewster
Gabrielle Conley
Megan Dedelow
Ryan Ennis
Madeline Evans
Molly Fisher
Daniel Fugiett
Dakota Goetz
Erin Gonzales
Lyric Green
Alexis Harmes
Lincoln Howard
Trevor Howard
Blake Jenkins
Joshua Kirksey
Kirstin Knox
Alexis Krizner
Miranda Lavey
Lauren Marsh
Ryan McConnell
Dylan Mecum
Alyvia Messer
Christopher Newlin
Charlie Nunes
Liam Parsons
Andrew W Polen
Hailey Reffitt
Lyndi Reinhold
Tyler Rettig
Kayla Rutter
Autumn Schmidt
Ty Sheahan
Benjamin Smith
Kylie Snyder
Raegan Stinnett
Ashley Talaga
Tanner Tsvetkoff
Lauren Wallace
Skyler Wildfong
Connor Wilson


Louisville Carpenters Help Homeless Vets

The Indiana Kentucky Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters (IKORCC) Membership Action Committee of Carpenters Local 175 Louisville, KY hung drywall in a home slated to be donated to a homeless Louisville veteran. This is one of three homes Kentucky Carpenters have helped renovate to help homeless veterans.

The project is a part of Operation Victory, affiliated with the Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs. IKORCC contractors and suppliers graciously donated the drywall, screws, mud, tape, misc supplies, and even the finishing to make the project a success. Over a dozen members and their families came out to volunteer their time, knowledge and tools to help give this veteran a safe place and a fresh start.

“Our local has a lot of veterans and Helmets to Hardhats members. They put their lives on the line to protect us while serving, they should have a place to sleep when they get back home. It’s why our local is a proud partner in remodeling this home,” says Local 175 member and IKORCC business representative Noah Grimes.

Operation Victory is a coalition of Greater Louisville Area Unions, Non-Profit/Community Organizations, and Local Area Businesses joined together to rehabilitate vacant and abandoned homes for a Homeless Louisville Veteran. Veteran homelessness is an issue that is important to the Indiana Kentucky Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters because veterans put their lives on the line to protect us, and we believe they should have a home to come back to. The Operation Victory coalition plans to help at least four more homeless veterans this year with some help from area businesses and the IKORCC.

Special thanks to all who helped the veteran get back on his feet, including: Tony Dobson, Shea Dobson, Ron Gibson, Andrew Kayla Faulkner, Robert Johnson, Kelly Davis, Gleen Koenig, Stephen Sites, Ben Ganote, Ben’s son Angelo Moore, Mike Blevins, Thomas Hacker, Quality Interiors, L&W Supply Louisville, and Intex Systems.