Please click the link above to fill out the Marketing request form. Please include all attachments and information in your request. This form is for both Council and Training staff.
You can now order print materials, promotional items, and more for your hub online. Click above to be directed to the Marketing Materials Order Form. Don’t see something you need? Send a detailed email to
This portal will be periodically updated as new things become available. Keep in mind, all items have different lead times. Please plan ahead.
Please note: all orders must be approved by your Senior or Directors before the marketing team will review. Orders are subject to the marketing team’s final review.
New in Marketing
New Videos
Union Carpenters BUILD SOLAR
This explainer video details how our union carpenters use their basic skills to install solar modules. This video could be used to promote to the membership, end users, contractors, and more.
What To Do When You’re Laid Off
When members get laid off, especially for the first time, it can be scary. Send the link to this video, as needed, to members looking for ways to get back on the job.
Don’t forget to take a look at our newest digital features including the 2024 Retirees and In-Memoriam. You can leave online condolences for your fellow brothers and sisters.
Marketing ITC Programs
Contractor Opportunities
We are always looking for contractors to attend DET Leadership Programs. We created a page and form to track interest from your contractors. This can be used throughout the year to measure interest and remind yourself who wanted to attend which classes. Seniors will receive emails as submissions are entered.
Link to app:
Use this QR to promote this app for contractors. Please remember, QR code needs to be scanned by an iPhone or iPad. Do not share via text, as they will not be able to scan it. If you need to text it, use the link above.
Looking to clean up your iPad or Phone and want to represent CMRCC? Check out the customized wallpapers below.
Digital Banners
Showcase how professional and organized CMRCC is. If you’re on LinkedIn, utilize one of the custom banners for your LinkedIn or Facebook page.
We have several other initiatives and projects coming up. Please be patient as we work on transitioning all our high priority designs.
Council Resources
Texting Campaign
Please display this flyer at your front desk to promote staying opted in to the council text messages.
Hub Counties
This map defines the counties covered by each Hub.
Note, these are defined by the majority. There may be some overlap with specific trades such as millwrights.
Other Requests
Not seeing what you’re looking for? Send us an email at Please remember to allow as much time as possible on requests and orders.


Prevailing Wage Drives Kentucky’s Economic Development

The Mission Of The IKORCC