Creating Good Jobs

Projects paying the prevailing wage create local jobs because they are more likely to employ local residents. States that maintain prevailing wages ensure that local contractors and local residents can compete for the work their hard-earned tax dollars fund.  Local contractors bid on quality and productivity and out-of-state contractors don’t bring in a low-wage workforce that take jobs from local construction workers.  

Common construction wage projects also directly support local training programs. These programs give local residents an entry point into a career in the building trades, and the people who benefit the most often come from communities surrounding prevailing wage projects. Others who benefit are our veterans, many returning from active duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. Through the Helmets to Hardhats program, these men and women receive the necessary training to successfully re-enter the civilian workforce. They learn skills that pay a wage such that they can support themselves and their family after serving their country. As government money for the Helmets to Hardhats continues to become less reliable, it’s more important than ever to maintain common construction wage jobs that support these programs.

Training programs also offer opportunities to young people, especially those unable or uninterested in pursuing a college degree. These training programs are open to anyone willing to learn a skilled trade and work hard. On-the-job training prepares them for a productive career, one that allows them to learn while they earn. The training programs also team with colleges to offer college credits for apprenticeship training. Once they graduate, these young people work to receive a wage adequate for supporting a family and contributing to their home community.

Prevailing wage is directly linked to job creation by generating jobs for local construction professionals, giving people an opportunity to learn a skill, earn a living, and support a community.

“My job for the Marines is construction, and the Helmets to Hardhats programs give me the opportunity to advance my skills doing work I can be proud of for the citizens I serve.  The common construction wage supports training programs which have helped me find work and make a good living.”

Tj Trinosky, Marine Reservist and Helmets to Hardhats 3rd Year Apprentice

Source: BuildingStrongCommunities

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