UBC Tax Fraud

Tax Fraud is infecting our industry – stealing from honest contractors and depriving UBC members from work.

We have to stop this crime if we want our contractors survive.

2015 Open House And Apprenticeship Competition

Every year we welcome students, elected officials, contractors and many more to tour our expansive facilities. Guests not only get to see up close the hands-on training apprentices can take advantage of, but get to see them in action with the apprenticeship competition! Additionally, there are a few tasks guests can try their hand at. Will we see you in 2016?

2015 IKORCC Graduation Featured Speaker, Jerome Stanford – Indianapolis

Jerome Stanford, selected speaker for the Indiana/Kentucky completion banquet in December 2015, speaks to the crowd of hundreds in attendance. The men and women who graduated this evening are no longer apprentices, but now journeymen and journeywomen, including Jerome Stanford! Congratulations to everyone for all your hard work!

Career Connections

IKORCC “ICRA Best Practices” Indiana

JBH Productions, INC. Produced promo for Indiana Kentucky Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters for the Infection Control Risk Assessment Training program.

Sisters In The Brotherhood

Women carpenters tell it like it is! Both the joys and the challenges. Share this with anyone who might be interested in pursuing a career as a union carpenter.

Payroll Fraud: Contractors Can Make A Difference

Honest contractors are being fleeced by cheating contractors who commit payroll fraud. Cheating contractors save up to 30% in labor costs by using illegal labor practices, and that creates an unfair advantage, allowing them to submit lower bids and steal jobs from you.

Cheating contractors also cheat…
…the government by not paying taxes. That’s billions in tax revenue lost every year, leading to less work and higher taxes for you.
…the customer. Reputations can be destroyed if illegal or corrupt contractors are linked to their project.
…the worker. Off-the-books workers are denied basic safety net protections, earn less than what they’re worth and are often forced to work in unsafe conditions.
…the community. These cheaters still use healthcare, schooling, roads, and government aid services, courtesy of taxpayers and law-abiding employers. And that leads to high insurance rates and healthcare costs.
…the industry. The integrity of the industry has become so poor that it is more difficult to recruit and retain skilled craftspeople.

Corrupt contractors commit payroll fraud by intentionally and falsely misclassifying employees as independent subcontractors, or, more often, by paying workers off-the-books. Doing so enables cheaters to not pay what federal and state laws require, such as Social Security and Medicare taxes, state and federal unemployment contributions, overtime, or workers’ compensation premiums. Frequently, those corrupt contractors use law-breaking labor brokers to try to shield themselves from accountability.

Learn more at payrollfraud.net

The Mission Of The IKORCC

Mike Kwiatkowski and Eric Yuhasz from the Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters talk to us about why the IKORCC is essential to local workers and why they need the IKORCC’s support.

Training And Education Within The IKORCC

Mike Kwiatkowski and Eric Yuhasz from the Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters talk to us about the union’s apprenticeship program, how that helps their workers further their career, and how they keep up on industry standards.

Contributing To The Community With Mike Kwiatkowski And Eric Yuhasz From The IKORCC

In this first part of many interviews with The Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters members Mike Kwiatkowski and Eric Yuhasz they sat down to talk about how the union helps further the community that they serve.