2022 Scholarship Applications Now Open

Applications are now open for the IKORCC scholarship program. Forty $1,000 scholarships will be awarded in 2022 to eligible member’s dependent children. Twenty of the scholarships are awarded based on scholastics, and twenty others via a random drawing.

The Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council scholastic scholarships are awarded based on 60% high school grade point average and 40% on

 SAT or ACT scores. Twenty scholarships will be selected by random drawing.

The scholarship is to be used solely for the purpose of education in the form of tuition, room and board, and or books.

Sons, daughters, and dependent children of members of the Indiana /Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights are eligible for scholarships provided that:

  • The parent or guardian is now and has been a member in good standing of the Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters for at least one year.
  • The son, daughter, or dependent child is a high school graduating senior.
  • The son, daughter, or dependent child will be attending a college, university, or trade school as a full-time student.
  • Application is received at the Council office prior to Friday, March 18, 2022.

All applications must include: 

  1. Signed and dated application form
  2. Signed certificate from a local union official
  3. Signed certificate from the high school principal
  4. Official high school transcripts with grade point average
  5. SAT or ACT scores
  6. Record of extracurricular activities

Click here to download the IKORCC Scholarship Application

IKORCC Programa de Becas

Scholarship applications must be received prior to Friday, March 18, 2022 at the Greenwood Council Office, located at 771 Greenwood Springs Drive, Greenwood, Indiana 46143. 



EST Todd Pancake Updates Members on COVID-19 & Vaccines

Read EST Pancake’s signed letter to IKORCC members here:
EST Pancake on COVID Vaccines

Brothers and Sisters,

For the last 140 years, safety has been the solid foundation on which the United Brotherhood of Carpenters was built. On a jobsite our members know the importance of safety. Whether it’s our hardhats, safety glasses, or harnesses, we know that in order to keep ourselves, our brothers, and our jobsite safe that we must take every precaution to do so.

The Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters has risen to every challenge COVID-19 has thrown our way. From ensuring apprentice & instructor safety at our training centers, ramping up PPE on jobsites, and even building large-scale temporary hospitals, IKORCC members have proven to be essential and continue to provide a skilled workforce in tough times.

Although the world has adjusted to the “new normal,” the coronavirus is still ever-changing and evolving. As the number of contractors and end user’s safety requirements increase, we as a council must be ready to face a new challenge. The coronavirus vaccine is on its way to having full approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by September 2021.

Now with more than 331 million doses administered in U.S, the vaccine has proven safe and effective against symptomatic infections, decreasing hospitalizations and death. More than 99% percent of Americans who have died from COVID-19 were unvaccinated. The science is clear – the vaccine saves lives.

As President McCarron said, “All of our jobsites have safety requirements – hard hats, specific PPE, or background checks. This is no different. This is a safety requirement so that all of us can work together and go home safe at the end of the day.”

We strongly encourage you to get educated on the COVID-19 vaccine, and ask your doctor questions. The choice is up to you. But, please understand that every day more of our end users are requiring a vaccinated work place.

It’s time we all step up to the challenge and continue to protect ourselves, our families, our community, and the future of the IKORCC by getting vaccinated against the novel coronavirus.

Below you’ll find useful information about the COVID-19 vaccine and where you can get yours.



M. Todd Pancake

Executive-Secretary Treasurer

Mass Timber Project Celebrates with Topping Out

A symbol of achievement and dedication – this topping out signifies much more than just the final beam.

Wednesday, July 28th, 2021, the Indiana Kentucky Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters sponsored a topping out ceremony for the Intro Cleveland project.  The event was held to celebrate the feat of this historic project across from the West Side Market in Cleveland, OH.

Intro Cleveland will be a mixed-use building with apartments, an event center, and retail space.  The building is nine stories high and completely framed with mass timber.  Over 2,000 pieces of timber, cut and shipped from Binderholtz in Austria, will make this building temporarily hold the title of the tallest mass timber building in the United States.  Around 50% of the timber will remain visible in the building as it is filled with tenants, a reminder of the sustainability of the project. The wood began to arrive in the Port of Cleveland in December 2020 and the final piece was installed by IKORCC Union Carpenters on July 1, 2021.

IKORCC Executive Secretary-Treasurer Todd Pancake spoke at the ceremony about the hard work members have put into this project. Leer más

Training Centers Reopen April 5th

IKORCC training centers will reopen on Monday, April 5th, 2021. We will continue to honor ALL State and CDC (National) guidelines to promote a safe environment for staff and apprentices as we reopen our training centers. If you are sick, not feeling right, have a fever, or someone in your household is ill, please stay home.

Here are the things you can expect at the training centers:

  • We will practice social distancing at all times, maintaining CDC 6’ requirements
  • Signage will be on doors with instructions
  • PPE will be provided and practiced to all State requirements
  • Each individual entering the building will have their temperature checked by a staff member wearing gloves and a mask. If a fever is 100.4° and above according to CDC (you will be sent home)
  • UBC COVID-19 Preparedness training will be required for those who have not had the opportunity to complete it yet
  • Each individual will be required to answer questions from COVID-19: Screening Checklist
  • Each individual is required to use hand sanitizer
  • All interior doors to be propped open when possible
  • Hand washing breaks will be provided every two hours or less
  • Hand sanitizing stations will also be available
  • Apprentices can feel free to take their break and lunch in their vehicle
  • Training centers will be sanitized daily or at a minimum of three times weekly
  • Please continue to call in advance and make an appointment to speak to someone on the admin staff

Please contact your training center for individual questions.

Indiana Training Centers:

Newburgh: 812.853.9312
Merrillville: 219.947.3348
Lafayette: 765.447.5959
Muncie: 765.288.9015
Indianapolis: 317.807.1116
Warsaw: 574.267.5264
Terre Haute: 812.466.7899

Kentucky Training Centers:

Ashland: 606.929.1362

Ohio Training Centers:

Columbus: 614.236.4205
Monroe: 513.539.7849
Richfield: 330.659.9495
Rossford: 419.872.4651

Solicitudes de becas ahora abiertas

Las solicitudes ya están abiertas para el programa de becas IKORCC. Se otorgarán cuarenta becas de $ 1,000 en 2021 a los hijos dependientes de los miembros elegibles. Veinte de las becas se otorgan en base a estudios académicos y otras veinte por sorteo al azar.

Las becas escolares del Concilio Regional de Indiana / Kentucky / Ohio se otorgan con base en el 60% del promedio de calificaciones de la escuela secundaria y el 40% en puntajes SAT o ACT. Se seleccionarán veinte becas mediante sorteo al azar.

La beca se utilizará únicamente con fines educativos en forma de matrícula, alojamiento y comida o libros.

Los hijos, hijas e hijos dependientes de miembros del Consejo Regional de Carpinteros y Millwrights de Indiana / Kentucky / Ohio son elegibles para becas siempre que:

  • El padre o tutor es ahora y ha sido un miembro acreditado del Consejo Regional de Carpinteros de Indiana / Kentucky / Ohio durante al menos un año.
  • El hijo, la hija o el hijo dependiente es un estudiante de último año de secundaria.
  • El hijo, la hija o el hijo dependiente asistirá a un colegio, universidad o escuela vocacional como estudiante de tiempo completo.
  • La solicitud se recibe en la oficina del Concilio antes del viernes 19 de marzo de 2021.

Todas las aplicaciones deben incluir:

Formulario de solicitud firmado y fechado
Certificado firmado de un funcionario sindical local
Certificado firmado por el director de la escuela secundaria
Transcripciones oficiales de la escuela secundaria con promedio de calificaciones puntajes SAT o ACT
Registro de actividades extraescolares
Haga clic aquí para descargar el Programa de Becas de IKORCC

Las solicitudes de becas deben recibirse antes del viernes 19 de marzo de 2021 en la Oficina del Consejo de Greenwood, ubicada en 771 Greenwood Springs Drive, Greenwood, Indiana 46143.

IKORCC Annual Magazine

Read our New Magazine

2020 Training Center Open House – Save the Date

carpenters scholarship

IKORCC Scholarship Applications Now Open

carpenters scholarshipApplications are now open for the IKORCC scholarship program. Forty $1,000 scholarships will be awarded in 2020 to eligible member’s dependent children. Twenty of the scholarships are awarded based on scholastics, and twenty others by a random drawing.

The Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council scholastic scholarships are awarded based on 60% high school grade point average and 40% on SAT or ACT scores. Twenty scholarships will be selected by random drawing.

The scholarship is to be used solely for the purpose of education in the form of tuition, room and board and or books.

Sons, daughters, and dependent children of members of the Indiana /Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights are eligible for scholarships provided that:

  • The parent or guardian is now and has been a member in good standing of the Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters for at least one year.
  • The son, daughter, or dependent child is a high school graduating senior.
  • The son, daughter, or dependent child will be attending a college, university, or trade school as a full-time student.
  • Application is received at the Council office prior to Friday, March 13, 2020.

All applications must include: 

  1. Signed and dated application form
  2. Signed certificate from a local union official
  3. Signed certificate from the high school principal
  4. Official high school transcripts with grade point average
  5. SAT or ACT scores
  6. Record of extracurricular activities

Click here to download the IKORCC Scholarship Application

Scholarship applications must be received prior to Friday, March 13, 2020 at the Greenwood Council Office, located at 771 Greenwood Springs Drive, Greenwood, Indiana 46143. 

Congrats to our 2019 scholarship recipients.