Carpenters Build Wheelchair Ramps for Community

Carpenters Build Wheelchair Ramps for Community By Nick Pollock A couple of weeks before Thanksgiving, Local 1485 learned that a lifelong resident of LaPorte, Indiana had been enduring some health issues for several months. He’d been in the hospital and after a difficult recovery was on the path to coming home. The family was excited […]

Member Builds Park to Honor Son

September 21, 2020 the unthinkable happened for David Sweeney.  David is a 1st year floor-laying apprentice out of Local 171 in the Youngstown area.  He answered his door to learn the news that his 4-year-old son, Rowan, was senselessly murdered.  His life was changed forever.

In the next few months, his family had to figure out how to pick up the pieces of their life after their tragedy.  They wanted a way to honor and memorialize their playful, energetic, happy son.  After much thought, the

family landed the vision to build a park in his honor.

Plans for the park include quality, accessible equipment for everyone to enjoy.  Their hope is that this park will serve as a memorial for other families experiencing similar loss or tragedy, too.

Local 171 has been helping share the fundraising events to help the family meet their goal and when they do, they plan to help build the park as well.

When area representatives learned of the possibility to get help through Carpenters Care, they applied for help.  Carpenters Care intends to plan a fundraising event to benefit the Rowan Memorial Park Trust, (more details will be provided to locals across the council in the coming months).

If you are interested in donating directly to the cause, you can do so at

Carpenters Build ADA Friendly Build Playground

by Sam Garduno

On September 23 and 24th, Union carpenters from northwest Indiana came together when a unique opportunity arose. James Emslander of ICE Scaffold was contacted by the Hunky Hollow Athletic Club to set up an install of ADA friendly playground for children with cerebral palsy.

The Center for Possibilities is a non-profit 501(c) state licensed child care center and specializes in children and adults with physical and developmental disorders. The center offers classes for toddlers, preschoolers, and adults, personal care, lunch, etc.

There was only one problem. The children did not have a suitable facility to play. What did these children need? A playground. It was a simple idea, but not exactly an easy task. They would need help. It was at this point that Hunky Hollow Athletic Club, who donated the money for the playground equipment, started vetting for an installer, and who better to do the job than a group of people that build for a living. We are talking about carpenters, professionally trained union carpenters.

After Emslander and ICE Scaffold agreed to help, they contacted IKORCC Business Representative Sam Garduno, who agreed that this sounded like a great project. The reps in the northwest Indiana office in Merrillville relish at these opportunities, especially when it is for such a great cause. Garduno immediately contacted the IKORCC JATF coordinator Dan Jones, and with Emslander set up all the logistics and came up with a day that instructor Chris Charters and a class of 3rd year apprentices could strap their tools on and help these children out.

When the project day arrived, the apprentices, along with workers from ICE Scaffold and some members from carpenters Hammond’s Local 599 were excited. After a couple of dizzying hours shagging out unfamiliar playground parts, and eager children looking on, the playground began to come together.

After two days of blood, sweat, and maybe or maybe not tears, the project was completed. Alex Morrow, 3rd year apprentice from Merrillville’s Local 1005 was enthusiastic about helping out. “Getting out of the classroom is great, but to build a playground for kids with disabilities so they can have some fun and exercise puts this at a whole different level of gratification.”

As the carpenters wrapped up, the staff and trained volunteers expressed their gratitude and excitement for the kids. It was a project that was very rewarding, especially after seeing the smiling faces of the children using it.

Solicitudes de becas ahora abiertas

Las solicitudes ya están abiertas para el programa de becas IKORCC. Se otorgarán cuarenta becas de $ 1,000 en 2021 a los hijos dependientes de los miembros elegibles. Veinte de las becas se otorgan en base a estudios académicos y otras veinte por sorteo al azar.

Las becas escolares del Concilio Regional de Indiana / Kentucky / Ohio se otorgan con base en el 60% del promedio de calificaciones de la escuela secundaria y el 40% en puntajes SAT o ACT. Se seleccionarán veinte becas mediante sorteo al azar.

La beca se utilizará únicamente con fines educativos en forma de matrícula, alojamiento y comida o libros.

Los hijos, hijas e hijos dependientes de miembros del Consejo Regional de Carpinteros y Millwrights de Indiana / Kentucky / Ohio son elegibles para becas siempre que:

  • El padre o tutor es ahora y ha sido un miembro acreditado del Consejo Regional de Carpinteros de Indiana / Kentucky / Ohio durante al menos un año.
  • El hijo, la hija o el hijo dependiente es un estudiante de último año de secundaria.
  • El hijo, la hija o el hijo dependiente asistirá a un colegio, universidad o escuela vocacional como estudiante de tiempo completo.
  • La solicitud se recibe en la oficina del Concilio antes del viernes 19 de marzo de 2021.

Todas las aplicaciones deben incluir:

Formulario de solicitud firmado y fechado
Certificado firmado de un funcionario sindical local
Certificado firmado por el director de la escuela secundaria
Transcripciones oficiales de la escuela secundaria con promedio de calificaciones puntajes SAT o ACT
Registro de actividades extraescolares
Haga clic aquí para descargar el Programa de Becas de IKORCC

Las solicitudes de becas deben recibirse antes del viernes 19 de marzo de 2021 en la Oficina del Consejo de Greenwood, ubicada en 771 Greenwood Springs Drive, Greenwood, Indiana 46143.

Los centros de formación cambian a clases virtuales

A todos los aprendices de IKORCC,

En un esfuerzo por minimizar la propagación del coronavirus (COVID-19), todos los centros de capacitación en Indiana, Kentucky y Ohio estarán cerrados para la instrucción en persona a partir del lunes 16 de noviembre de 2020 hasta el lunes 4 de enero como muy pronto. 2021, esto debería ayudar a mantener bajas las infecciones de las vacaciones de Acción de Gracias y Navidad. Los centros de capacitación cambiarán a clases en línea para continuar brindando instrucción vital a nuestros aprendices. Los instructores y administradores de capacitación se comunicarán con los aprendices directamente con información de clases en línea.

Los sindicatos locales dentro de nuestra jurisdicción y las oficinas del consejo permanecerán abiertas, sin embargo, recomendamos a los miembros que no visiten en persona. En su lugar, comuníquese con los lugareños y el consejo por teléfono, correo electrónico, sitio web o en nuestros canales de redes sociales.

Continuaremos monitoreando la situación de cerca y lo actualizaremos según sea necesario. La seguridad de nuestros miembros, sus familias y nuestro personal seguirá siendo nuestra máxima prioridad. Agradecemos su cooperación y atención a esta situación.

Además, estamos tomando las medidas necesarias para proteger la salud y la seguridad de nuestros miembros, representantes y personal. Las oficinas del Concilio de IKORCC permanecerán abiertas con operaciones comerciales estándar. Además, nuestros centros de capacitación permanecerán abiertos y operando en sus horarios regulares.

Al igual que con cualquier enfermedad, si se siente mal y tiene fiebre, quédese en casa. Estos desafíos necesitan que estemos preparados y que seamos responsables de nuestras acciones.

Llame a su centro de formación local si tiene alguna pregunta. ¡Mantenerse a salvo!



Newburgh: 812.853.9312

Merrillville: 219.947.3348

Lafayette: 765.447.5959

Muncie: 765.288.9015

Indianapolis: 317.807.1116

Warsaw: 574.267.5264

Terre Haute: 812.466.7899


Ashland: 606.929.1362




Columbus: 614.236.4205

Monroe: 513.539.7849

Richfield: 330.659.9495

Rossford: 419.872.4651


In solidarity,

M. Todd Pancake

Executive Secretary – Treasurer

Actualizaciones de la seguransa

30 de marzo de 2020 Actualizaciones de la seguransa A partir del 1 de marzo de 2020, las pruebas COVID-19 y los honorarios de proveedores o instalaciones relacionados para administrar la prueba estarán cubiertos al 100% dentro o fuera de la red, de conformidad con la ley. A partir del 1 de marzo de 2020, […]

Career Connections Truck in front of IKORCC Hub

New Online Learning Platform for Skilled Trades

Career Connections Truck in front of IKORCC HubHigh school students interested in trade programs have new options amidst the pandemic. With many schools going virtual or shifting to a hybrid learning model, technical programs are adapting to meet new standards. The Ohio Carpenters’ Joint Apprenticeship and Training Program and Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights Joint Apprenticeship Training are offering a new blended learning curriculum for Career Connection partners.

The Career Connections program is designed to help high school teachers introduce students to a career in carpentry. Students learn basic and intermediate carpentry, advanced skills in commercial and residential construction, and the essentials of construction site safety. The program also includes training in the employability that research shows employers value most, including: goal setting, positive attitude, punctuality, teamwork, and taking initiative.

The new Learning Management System (LMS) digital curriculum offers schools and teachers a way to engage students with both online and with limited in-person, hands-on learning.  Completion of the program offers students a direct-entry into the apprenticeship program.

Indiana Kentucky Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters (IKORCC) represents over 35,000 men and women tradespeople in 40 locals in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio and parts of West Virginia and Tennessee. A proud affiliate of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters, which has a century-plus tradition of representing the best of building trades.

The apprenticeship is a four-year program that offers a solid education, in the classroom and on the job. Apprentices learn from a hands-on approach within the training centers and in the field. We take an “earn-as-you-learn” approach to our apprenticeship, ensuring you can earn a good, living wage with benefits for your family – right from the start. Apprentices also receive college credits throughout their program at no additional cost.

IKORCC apprenticeships offer a direct path to a rewarding career and a financially solid future. Financial security, high demand careers, pride in your skills, and a sense of community: the IKORCC apprenticeship delivers it all in a comprehensive, highly respected program. 


Individuals interested may contact:

Indiana & Kentucky
Hope Harp
Career Connections Specialist
771 Greenwood Springs Drive
Greenwood, IN 46143
P: 502.889.1677


Jeremy Dennis
Career Connections Specialist
1899 Arlingate Lane
Columbus, OH 43228
P: 419.566.3270

Contractor Spotlight: Elford Construction

Indiana Kentucky Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters stopped by a job site to speak with Denise Gilliam, Outreach & Diversity Manager with Elford Construction in Columbus, Ohio. In this interview, we dove into the topic of the importance of a diverse workforce and a more inclusive work environment within the field of construction.  With the shortages in manpower across the construction industry, Denise details the challenges in hiring and how Elford overcomes those challenges during this time.


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Cory Hudson Wins Don Sherry Achievement Award

Cory Hudson Receives Don Sherry Achievement Award

Few people have left the impact on the Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters as Don Sherry did. Don Sherry tragically passed away in 2017. His list of accomplishments is vast, and his impact on our union is unprecedented.

Don Sherry passionately served the Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters for nearly 20 years as a business representative and Director of Organizing. He was the President of Carpenters Local 175 and a dedicated advocate for worker’s rights and unions. Colleagues said his dedication to this organization was second to none.

Don Sherry Achievement Award

To honor his legacy, the IKORCC gives the Don Sherry Achievement Award annually.

To honor Don’s service and dedication, each year since his passing the IKORCC has given The Don Sherry Achievement Award. The award recognizes a rank and file member who has gone above and beyond in their service on the job site, with contractors, in MAC meetings (Member Action Committee), and in their community. In addition to giving an award in his honor, IKORCC delegates raise money each year during their annual conference and donate the proceeds to the Diabetes Foundation in Don Sherry’s honor.

Past recipients of the Don Sherry Achievement Award include:

2018 – Glenn Downs, Local 599
2019 – Raymond Poer, Local 599

Of all the nominations received in 2020, Cory Hudson’s stood out. That’s why the Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters is proud to present Cory Hudson with the 2020 Don Sherry Achievement Award. Cory is an active member of Carpenters Local 285, military veteran, and served as the lead instructor at the Richfield Ohio Carpenters’ Joint Apprenticeship & Training Program for years, until recently accepting a new role as a superintendent for a union contractor. Cory’s leadership, training, and tireless dedication will serve him well in that role.

“We take the Don Sherry Award very seriously and have many very qualified applications submitted each year. I had the privilege to know and work directly with Don for many years and saw his commitment and dedication to our Brotherhood first hand. I’ve also been fortunate to know Cory Hudson and have seen his commitment to our Union and how he always puts the UBC at the forefront. His dedication to our craft helps keep our standards above the rest and he has a “care factor” not just for apprentices or our membership as a whole, but for all people. It was an honor and privilege to present the award to Cory Hudson this year,” said IKORCC’s EST Todd Pancake.

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Responsible Bid Legislation Passes in Uhrichsville, OH

Uhrichsville, Ohio – Uhrichsville City Council as voted in an unanimous fashion to approve an ordinance requiring responsible bidding on city construction projects.

The ordinance was introduced by Uhrichsville City Councilman Eric Harmon. Harmon spoke in support of the ordinance and applauded unanimous Council passage of legislation designed to encourage fair and responsible construction contracting.

The legislation had garnered the support of several area labor unions including the Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters (IKORCC). IKORCC members Mark Whepler, Butch Teddrick, Keen Edwards, Ricky Thesson, and Michael Fitzgerald –- in addition to IKORCC business representatives Jared Hovanick and Abe Bruner –- attended the hearing and voiced their support for the ordinance.

“This common sense legislation is a taxpayer protection plan that ensures construction projects are completed on time and on budget while utilizing a skilled workforce. It’s important that the public holds a stronger confidence that their hard earned tax dollars are being spent properly and responsibly on construction projects that will help improve the quality of life for all Uhrichsville residents,” said Harmon.

The provisions in the ordinance already exist largely at the federal, state, and county levels. Harmon urged members of Council that it’s time to enact the provisions at the local level in order to promote quality construction and fiscal responsibility.

“This legislation prioritizes quality construction, workforce development, and economic growth while aiming to create local jobs for local workers,” stated Harmon. Harmon’s remarks during the meeting led to an unanimous 7-0 vote by City Council.  Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters Supports Uhrichsville City Council In Passing Responsible Bid Legislation Sponsored By City Councilman Eric Harmon.