IKORCC Leadership Visits Anderson Wood

Today IKORCC EST Todd Pancake, IN/KY Assistant Director Charles Davis and Chief-of-Staff Matt McGriff visited and toured the Anderson Wood plant in Louisville, KY. Anderson Wood owners Dave and Ben Anderson gave the tour. They met to show support and partnership with our Industrial market. Local 2501 Anderson Wood

The IKORCC is proud to work with Anderson Wood. Anderson Wood has been a leader in hardwood dimension for over a century, providing a wide array of products manufactured from sustainable American hardwoods.

They supply architectural millwork for some of America’s most prestigious buildings, and also produce institutional furniture and residential millwork that includes strong commitments to dormitory furniture and stair components.

Members working at Anderson Wood are part of Industrial Local 2501.

Read more about Anderson Wood on their website.

Cleveland-area Locals Raise $84,000 for Up Side of Downs

$84,000. That’s how much Cleveland-area locals and the IKORCC have helped raise for The Up Side of Downs in seven years. The Up Side of Downs’ mission is to provide support, education and advocacy for individuals with Down syndrome, their families and communities.

They share a common goal with the IKORCC, a community where all people have limitless opportunities and the ability to pursue their dreams. Check out this video to learn more about our partnership with this wonderful organization.

Stadium Super Bowl

It’s Super Bowl week and we are celebrating by looking at the amazing NFL football stadiums union carpenters, millwrights and floorlayers have built in Indiana and Ohio. 🏈

Check out First Energy Stadium (home of the Cleveland Browns), Paul Brown Stadium (Home of the Cincinnati Bengals) and Lucas Oil Stadium (Home of the Indianapolis Colts).

Fast Facts:

First Energy Stadium home of the Cleveland Browns
Cleveland, Ohio
Completed in 1999, renovated in 2013
Turner Construction, General Contractor
Cost: $283 million
Capacity: 67,895
Suites: 143
Square Feet: 1.64 million

Paul Brown Stadium home of the Cincinnati Bengals
Cincinnati, Ohio
Completed in 2000
Turner Construction, General Contractor
Cost: $385 million
Capacity: 65,535
Suites: 144
Square Feet: 1.85 million

Lucas Oil Stadium home of the Indianapolis Colts
Indianapolis, Indiana
Completed in 2008
Hunt Construction, General Contractor
Cost: 720 million
Capacity: 67,000
Suites: 139
Square Feet: 1.8 million


COVID-19 Testing Info

COVID-19 testing is covered under Ohio and IN/KY/OH health plans. Please remember to show your insurance card when getting a COVID-19 test.

If you are eligible for insurance in the Ohio or IKORCC health plan and get a COVID-19 test without showing your insurance card and pay out of pocket, here are the steps to take to get reimbursed.

1. Fill out this form: ANTHEM CLAIM FORM

2. Send in the form along with a copy of the receipt. The receipt should include the date, amount paid, type of test, provider name and provider address. It cannot be just a cash receipt.

3. Mail claim form to:
Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield
PO Box 105187
Atlanta, GA 30348-5187


Read more about our benefits here.

IKORCC Pension Update

Pension Update It’s been an interesting year for the stock market. In the spring, the COVID pandemic caused negative reactions in the markets. Towards the fall, the stock market had many ups and downs due to the presidential election. The good news is that the merged fund in Indiana and Kentucky is still in the […]

Message from EST Todd Pancake

Brothers and Sisters,

I hope this finds you all in good health. As we reflect over our past year, we can’t help but wonder what our next challenge will be. COVID-19 has had a major impact on almost every aspect of our day to day routines this past year. Our council has risen to the challenge, from shutting down our training centers in March, and reopening with enhanced safety measures in May. We continued to provide a skilled work force through some tough times.

We were carved out as an essential workforce by governors in all three states, allowing our members to keep working through some very uncertain times. The trustees of our annuity funds saw fit to provide a COVID hardship for annuity access for members in need. We made the necessary adjustments to our Welfare Funds to see that members were able to maintain their coverage should they become infected by the virus.

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IKORCC Health & Welfare Update

Health & Welfare Update The Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters has two Health & Welfare funds, one for Indiana/Kentucky and another for Ohio. Both funds are healthy with growing net reserves. The Ohio Plan’s net reserves (net reserves are money in the fund, which has no obligation against it and is used to pay our […]

Important Info for Indiana Retirees

ATTENTION Participants of the Indiana State and Indiana Carpenters Pension Plans: Do You Want to Work More in 2021? WORK MORE In 2021, you have the opportunity to work 600 hours in addition to your 39.5 hours a month. For example, you work 200 hours in one month. Subtract your monthly 39.5 hours, that rounds […]

2020 Magazine

Korey Luttman Carpenters

Korey Luttman Inspires Crowd at Graduation

For Local 301’s Korey Luttman, the things he learned in his apprenticeship weren’t just a way to make money, they were a metaphor for his life. He shared his inspiring story of courage and perseverance at the Indiana/Kentucky graduation in October.

“It’s important to build your life on a solid foundation and have structure to keep you stable. When all the weight of the world is on your shoulders, this will keep you firm and stable in your life,” Korey said.

Korey’s foundation was not solid. He was raised in a broken home with parents that suffered from drug addiction. He jumped from school to school, without guidance he was angry and eventually started using drugs and getting into trouble with the police. By the age of 20, he was in prison. “During this point in my life, I was so lost and confused. But I knew I wanted more for myself.”

When he was released from prison, he focused on that goal. He got his life together, married his best friend Lindsey, had a baby girl and started building a future. Despite the better direction, he struggled with supporting his family. His landscaping job had low pay and no benefits. Then, a friend introduced him to Gary Trout, an IKORCC business rep.

Korey was nervous on the way to his interview. “It’s hard to find a job when you’ve served time,” he said. Then, Gary told him what the union is about and that was, “not judging people from their past, but accepting who they are in the present”.

Shortly after Korey started his apprenticeship, but the stresses of having a new baby, attending school and working sent him down a bad path. “During the 2nd year of my apprenticeship, the cracks of my foundation started to show and I turned back to alcohol and drugs to help me cope. I was putting a band-aid on something that needed stitches,” he said.

Korey said it was at this time God intervened. He joined a church, found his true identity and truly started building his life on a solid foundation. In February, Korey will celebrate three years of sobriety. Today, he gives back to the community by helping people overcome their addictions and find meaning in their lives.

His graduation speech was truly moving. We encourage you to watch the full video below: