2025 Central Midwest Sisterhood Update

UBC POC Conference

Sisters in the brotherhood had their very first Point of Contact (POC) conference in November at the UBC headquarters in Washington DC. This conference was attended by women in leadership roles across the UBC, joining together to understand the point of contact rules and responsibilities. UBC’s Director of Sisters in the Brotherhood, Sandra Rodriguez, and UBC General President Douglas McCarron spoke focusing on how to gain and retain brothers and sisters.

Tradeswomen Build Nations Conference 2024

Over 5,000 tradeswomen from across the country gathered in New Orleans for the Tradeswomen Build Nations event hosted North America’s Building Trades Unions (NABTU). “The most impressive thing was thousands of tradeswomen walking through the streets of New Orleans chanting our trade, UBC,” CMRCC Representative and member of local 744 Casey McManis said of the event.

Melissa France, New Representative and SIBS Chair – Local 285

“While I was in the field I did concrete/bridge work, from Johney systems and gang forms to Simon panels. I truly enjoyed every minute of it, no matter the bridge or the forms I looked forward to the crew and making the long days fun.

My goal everyday in this position is to gain membership, build our sister numbers up, and help in any way I can. Outside of the job, I love doing volunteer work! Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself, it’s what you do for others”