2024 Don Sherry Achievement Award Announced

At the heart of the Central Midwest Carpenters lies every single one of our members. The sense of community that binds us has been cultivated through training, working, and fighting for workers’ rights together. The spirit of this community is perpetuated by individuals who promote inclusivity and leave their mark on the organization and the people around them. Each year, we honor a union member who shares these values, and few people have exemplified this more than Don Sherry.

Don Sherry served the Central Midwest Carpenters with uncompromised passion for almost 20 years as a Business Representative, Director of Organizing, and President of Carpenters Local 175 in Louisville, Kentucky until his passing in 2017. Don fought tirelessly for workers’ rights and the union in its entirety. Colleagues say his unwavering dedication to this organization was second to none. To pay our respect for everything Don Sherry did – and to continue his legacy – The CMRCC annually gives out the Don Sherry Achievement Award.

The Central Midwest Carpenters are beyond proud to announce the 2024 recipient of the Don Sherry Award goes to Robert Wright.

Bob Wright has been an integral part of Carpenters Local 744 out of Bellevue, Ohio for the last 24.5 years, as well as the entirety of the UBC. Across multiple locals, Bob made it his mission to cultivate a sense of community on the jobsite. From sharing his experiences and knowledge with younger members, to routinely picking up retirees from his community and bringing them to local meetings to ensure they could attend, Brother Wright epitomizes the spirit of our Union.

Robert has taken part in various volunteer opportunities, from being the first to sign up for committees, to spearheading community outreach and projects such as improving accessibility and safety in his area. Bob also continuously spreads the word about the benefits of the UBC to youth in his area and students in local schools.

Brother Wright has been an inspiration, mentor, and leader for countless UBC members for the past 24-plus years. His initiative, commitment, and dedication not only brought community awareness to the CMRCC but also fostered a positive professional work environment and job site culture. He is a true example of what a professional UBC member should strive to be.

While recognizing the amazing efforts of members like Brother Wright, we acknowledge and appreciate the multitude of others who work within and throughout our communities, driving the progress we see and benefit from in our daily lives. We excitedly await the opportunity to honor these altruistic members through the Don Sherry Award for many years to come.


Please join us in congratulating our 2024 Don Sherry Award Winner, Robert Wright!


To honor Don’s service and dedication, each year since his passing the Central Midwest Carpenters have given The Don Sherry Achievement Award. The award recognizes a rank-and-file member who has gone above and beyond in their service on the job site, with contractors, in MAC meetings (Member Action Committee), and in their community. In addition to giving an award in his honor, CMRCC delegates raise money each year during their annual conference and donate the proceeds to the Diabetes Foundation in Don Sherry’s honor.


Recipients of the Don Sherry Award Include:

2018 – Glenn Downs, Local 599

2019 – Raymond Poer, Local 599

2020 – Cory Hudson, Local 285

2021 – Bobby Miller, Local 357

2022 – Travis Williams, Local 1005

2023 – Mitchell Carrillo, Local 1005

2024 – Robert Wright, Local 744